ChildHR Blog
News from the early learning sector

How to boost local area marketing for your centre
There’s a community-based approach to marketing your early learning centre that you may not know about. Most of your centre’s enrolments are from families living or working in the local community. This can present a challenge when marketing to such a specific...
How to set your centre up for success with ChildHR
We take the hassle of setting up your system – with ChildHR
How to stay up to date you’re your peoples Q&C’s.
Is chasing up your employees so they remain compliant, taking up to much of your time
Demo slots are filling up fast for ChildHR demos
And time is running out to secure yours. So far, we’ve had a lot of interest in the Guided tours for ChildHR, so much so that we’ve had to open some more sessions to fit everyone in. If you’re considering using ChildHR, now is the time to take advantage of a...
How to maintain good health and safety practices
Let’s look closely at safety and risk prevention in early learning centres. As we navigate living with Covid in the community, Health and safety have never been top of mind in early learning centres. On The Early Word, we discuss how to maintain good health and...
The importance of keeping accurate conversation records
There’s a better way to capture important workplace discussions.
Learn now ChildHR revolutionised people management across the Little Saints workforce
It all started with a 30-day trial. I want to share how taking advantage of Kate Nye’s 30-day trial of ChildHR transformed the Little Saints HR management processes. Within a couple of weeks of signing up for the child, Kate found that ChildHR gave Little Saints the...
You’re invited to a personal demo of ChildHR
See firsthand how you can streamline your HR operations. We are very excited to announce that we will open up our schedules for a limited number of FREE 30-minute Guided Tours of ChildHR. During this session, we’ll show you how ChildHR is everything you need at your...
How COVID has changed early learning recruitment practices
Learn more about how living through a pandemic has changed the way we hire.
ChildHR propelled Penrith Early Learning Centre from good to great
Find out how a new system meant better ways of working for this team.
Educate Your Educators And Watch Retention Rates Rise.
I don’t think there’s ever been a time when employee engagement has been more important, as we continue to navigate the new world we live in and face new challenges in the workplace. What that looks like day-to-day is different for every industry, but for the early...